A Hello and a Beginning

After having had this blog for quite some time and leaving it empty, I finally decided to do a proper introduction and start posting!

I still feel a bit shy when interacting with the online book world despite being a quiet part of it for some time now, but I know it’s such a brilliant community and my writing can definitely benefit from it. Plus, talking to other writers and seeing their story seeds come alive on paper always fills me with joy. So this is offically a call for you to come talk to me about your writing any time!

First things first, I realized while writing this post that I already have an About page that details what you can expect to find on this blog, so head onto there  if you would rather skip the introduction.

A little bit about me and my writing: I write mostly fantasy for all age categories, as it’s what I enjoy reading the most. My current WIP took me the better part of two years to develop. I shared the first round of drafts with some critique partners already — I was overwhelmed by the positive and constructive reaction and it’s truly turning out to be the book of my heart. My other projects are mostly short stories, which is another medium I love experimenting with. Musings about my various WIPs are bound to show up here along with all the bookish content.

I hope to see you in further posts on this blog.

Have an amazing day!

5 thoughts on “A Hello and a Beginning

  1. Welcome! I’m newer than you (I’ve only been here for around a month) but I’ve been so pleasantly surprised by how supportive and friendly people are 🙂 I loved your Poppy War review and look forward to reading more! ❤ Jen

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